Talking and Listening

Deep-rooted unhappiness yields best to talking. Indeed, the act of putting your thoughts and feelings into words can bring immediate relief as you begin to open yourself up to yourself. Over time, what seemed closed, immovable, permanently shut down, can yield to the influence of sustained exploratory talking and begin to be more under your control.

As you talk, I will listen closely—always seeking to be aware of what is significant to you in what you are saying. From time to time I will summarize, ask a question, or perhaps make a connection, and I will be interested in your reaction to my comment. The work of therapy proceeds in this way as we seek to expand our understanding, connect what seemed disjointed, and discover new perspectives. Along the way a therapeutic relationship can develop that helps us in the work.

Therapy is tailored to the person seeking it, without preconceptions.

To help you decide whether to enter therapy with me, I would recommend first having one or more consultation sessions. These sessions can give you a sense of how I work and allow me get to know you a bit. See the Contact page to schedule a consultation session.